Hot off the press! News from Pokhara
On Sunday Chris Redstall sent us through some news from Pokhara.
Here's what he's asking we pray for:
1. A recent increase in Coronavirus cases in Pokhara and therefore ongoing disruption to in-person schooling. All schooling will be on Zoom, with some in-person teaching at family houses.
2. Lots of change within the INF community as many ex-pat families re-locate to Kathmandu to access secondary level education. This will reduce numbers in the school significantly from January 2021. Headteacher Libby Hayes is now on home leave in Australia until June 2021 and therefore I am in charge of the whole curriculum and a Nepali member of staff is now the acting head.
3. The current INF International director is stepping down in January 2021. The vacancy is currently unfilled.
4. The current 5 year INF government agreement is re-negotiated this November. Please pray for a good outcome as this could impact the ability of INF to function in the future and may have an impact on international work visas.
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