The Bible that refuses to burn
What's happening in those parts of the world where the already persecuted church now faces the impact of the coronavirus
Release International's Nigeria partner, Archbishop Benjamin Kwashi, has written a moving message for Release supporters about the church in lockdown in Nigeria.
Coronavirus is just the latest challenge for Christians in Nigeria, who face attacks from Boko Haram and armed Fulani militants. But Archbishop Kwashi’s message is the gospel cannot be destroyed. At a time of lockdown, Christians must find new and imaginative ways to spread that Gospel. Read more.
Take time to discover more about the persecution of believers in Nigeria through the eyes of Ben & Gloria Kwashi. Interviewed by Hugh Palmer at Word Alive in 2019 they speak about the violence and threats they have experienced.
This interview is available on Clayton TV, the source of a huge range of material ranging from conference talks (e.g. Keswick, Word Alive, UCCf Forum) to evangelistic courses. It will take a very long lockdown to get through it all!
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