Fuelling our prayers!
Utter confidence that we can pray.
Total assurance that we are heard.
Deep certainty that God answers.
And yet perhaps on some days we struggle for words. How do we articulate our thoughts, longings and concerns?
Some great resources are being published to spark our prayers.
- Mission agency SIM highlight '10 points for prayer'
- Twenty things to pray during the pandemic - published by Christianity Today. Written for American believers but it doesn't need much tweaking!
- Two resources for children, one by the Church of England and one by 24/7
An amplified version of the Lord's prayer.
Our father in heaven – thank you for Jesus in whom you have
adopted us as your beloved children; help us remember that sickness and death
will never separate us from your love, believe you will be with us through
whatever lies ahead, and trust you are fully in control and perfectly good;Hallowed be your name – we pray this crisis will result in much praise for you – that believers will be strengthened in their faith and unbelievers will recognise our human frailty and mortality and turn from sin to worship you;
Your kingdom come – until Jesus returns to rescue us from this world of pain, as far as this virus spreads, we pray your kingdom will grow further, in the hearts of people of all nations finding in Jesus the sure hope of resurrection into your new creation, free from sickness, suffering and death to enjoy you forever;
Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven – Father, we rejoice in your sovereign power; in your mercy, please end this crisis soon, deliver us and all your people through this crisis, and may your gracious plans to save the lost be advanced by this season of humbling;
Give us this day our daily bread – thank you for dedicated doctors, nurses and other NHS staff, for our government and its advisors - please grant them the wisdom and endurance they need; sustain us with the daily bread of Christ crucified for our sins, in the living bread of your Word; reassure us when we’re anxious, heal us when we’re sick, strengthen us when we must die, comfort us in our bereavement, and embolden us to share the gospel of Jesus, the living bread we all need;
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us – have mercy where we have presumed upon our health, forgotten our frailty, or neglected to thank you for your daily care and protection; forgive us because Christ died for our sins, count us acceptable in his perfect righteousness, and in the light of your mercy, helps us show mercy to all;
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil – deliver us through this time of testing – help us resist every temptation to doubt your love; help us stand firm in our faith against Satan’s lies, knowing that all over the world, your people are enduring the same kind of trials;
For yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever, Amen.
Thank you that is very helpful